is the information hub for digital interoperability in Europe. Its goal is to provide the latest information about how online platforms choose to interoperate with each other (or don’t), the impact those choices have on users and the EU’s digital economy, as well as the policy initiatives that promote digital interoperability.
This website is provided and supported by a group of independent academics, computer scientists, economists and lawyers, as well as civil society organisations and European tech companies with an interest in advancing Europe’s tech sovereignty. It is hosted by European Digital Rights (EDRi) without any financial support provided by supporters.
Not sure what digital interoperability is? Right this way please.
Editorial board

Contributing authors
- Amandine Le Pape, Chief Operating Officer at Element Inc.
- Christoph Schmon, International Policy Director at Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
- Claudia Prettner, Legal and Policy Adviser on Technology, Data Protection and Human Rights at Amnesty International
- Dr. Ian Brown, Visiting Professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro
- Jan Penfrat, Senior Policy Advisor at European Digital Rights (EDRi)
- Jonathan Todd, Communications Advisor
- Ken Figueredo, Senior Representative at oneM2M
- Vittorio Bertola, Head of Policy & Innovation at Open-Xchange AG